Science topics

What Makes Good Fish Habitat?

Water, Sediment and Wood: the Three River Cornerstones
Limited and more thoughtful development.

Hyporheic Zone Restoration: The Documentary Film
Logjams and Large Wood in Rivers
Why rivers need logjams
Hydrology 1: Why Rivers Need Floods
What is an Alluvial River?

River Channel Types on the Landscape

Hyporheic Zone Restoration 3: Water Chemisty and Biology
Hyporheic Zone Restoration 2: Results of the Bold Experiment

Can the Hyporheic Zone be Restored? Designing and Constructing a Bold Experiment
What flow is that? From Hydraulics to Hydrology

The Hyporheic Zone: A World Beneath the Streambed
Reading the River Current: Basic Hydraulics
Basic Hydraulics 2: Critical Flow
What is a Non-alluvial River?
Types of River Channels

Rivers Move Sediment
A balance between erosion and deposition